Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Signs and Portents

I had a dream last night.  I wandered through a grey mist - unable to locate anything.  There were no buildings, no trees, no nothing.  I wandered for what seemed to be an eternity when I came across a cloaked being weilding a scythe.  Darkness clung to the figure like a wet cotton tunic and the stench of death and evil pervaded its presence.  I kneeled before it and called it master.

The being gazed upon me with cold, lifeless eyes and while it spoke no words, its displeasure pierced my very soul.  I sensed that I had failed it somehow, that I was not worthy to be in its presence.  The figure raised a skeletal hand and waved me off, then turned away and disappeared into the mists.

Again I was alone and wandering the mists.  Another eternity passed before I came across another being.  This was a woman of pale skin, clothed in black robes that seemed to be made of feathers.  While her lips did not move, I could hear her words in my mind "There is work to be done, and I need you to get to it." 

Questions of the being I had called master arose in my thoughts, but even though I had not voiced my concerns, she spoke "He has cast you aside and I now lay claim to you.  I have reformed you into my own servant and it was time you were going..."  A flash of light engulfed me and then I awoke in the crude camp I setup miles from the place I had called home.

I knew this was no simple dream - it had a deeper meaning to it.  I shall have to ponder this deeply as I continue my journey.....

1 comment:

  1. Very nice... Glad to see some character, it really helps set the tone.

    Keep it up!

