Sunday, February 22, 2009

Westward Ho!

The caravan left shortly after dawn and I settled in on one of the many wagons in the train as this was expected to be a three day trip.  I did not inquire as to the cargo - though it seemed that there was nothing too valuable to attract attention of bandits and their ilk.  Even still I had to wonder at the rather large number of additional guards that signed on.

While there was the usual assortment of drivers, men-at-arms, animal handlers and such, there were a handful that caught my attention as being cut from a different cloth than most.
  • Sliver Elmwalker - An elven ranger that for reasons he has kept to himself has decided to leave his home and travel the world.  While I find his presence on the caravan a bit odd for a feykind, he seemed to be an agreeable sort.
  • Eldacar - A halfling whom I suspect of being a rogue.  He spent far too much time poking his head into this wagon or that to be idle curiousity.  I suspect he is casing the caravan for any easily acquired loot and will keep and eye on him.  And the other eye on my own belongings...
  • Elladen Paeris Halladan - Such a long, pretentious name for an eladrin, but then I suppose that goes with being a spellsword and a feykind.  I kept my distance from him as while I was familiar with elves, elladen and their motives were unknown to me.
  • Valgar Talean - Another spellsword - they must travel in packs - but this one was a dragonborn - another race I do not have any recollection of.  If nothing else, he was large and brutish and so I found ways to not be in the same place at the same time.
  • Uhlk - A human warrior.  Common enough.  But there was something...  erratic about him that I did not entirely trust.
  • Extell - A human ranger.  Hmm, spellswords and rangers travelling in packs.  How odd.  He seemed to disappear for hours on end so I'll have to be mindful that he could be lurking at any given time.
If there is going to be any trouble from bandits, I should think that these six will be the ones to watch.  Though, if there is any trouble from within the the caravan I suspect these would also be the ones to watch - particularly that halfling.  Well, I shall have to keep my guard up and eyes open this trip...


  1. >> A halfling whom I suspect of being a rogue. I suspect he is casing the caravan for any easily acquired loot and will keep and eye on him. Though, if there is any trouble from within the the caravan I suspect these would also be the ones to watch - particularly that halfling. <<

    Racial Profiling!?!?! I'm calling my lawyer. heh

  2. Zoltan never did meet a halfling he liked...
